The UCLM-CSIC Associated Unit “Neurodeath” led by Professor Valentín Ceña, has received a two-year grant to carry out bilateral joint mobility actions with the Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan.
This action is part of the Programme for the promotion of international scientific collaboration of the CSIC with foreign institutions.
The objective of this collaboration is the development of amphiphilic dendrimers as RNA transporters for the treatment of glioblastoma and multiple sclerosis.
The scientific project that will be developed consists of designing nanoparticles, dendrimers in this case, that are capable of transporting siRNA and drugs to the central nervous system, which would open a new avenue of treatment for both neurological diseases and brain tumours.
The granting of this grant will allow to deepen the development of the long previous collaboration between the laboratories of professors Ceña and Kao that is part of line of action 5: “Development of nanodrugs, biodistribution, toxicity and therapeutic actions in pathology models” of the Biotechnology Applied to Health project of the Complementary Plans.
In April 2023, Valentín Ceña, scientific director of the Complementary Plans for Biotechnology Applied to Health of Castilla-La Mancha, received Professors Kao and Chen from the Kaohsiung Medical University and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University of Taiwan in the laboratory of the Neurodeath Associated Unit of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Castilla-La Mancha to collaborate within this program.
In these facilities, the in vivo recording unit for small animals, as well as the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analytical unit, will be aimed at finding new treatments in personalized medicine.