Femtoscience and Microscopy Group

Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha.( Toledo ).
IP – Abderrazzak Douhal.

The Femtoscience and Microscopy Group of the UCLM was created in 1998 and since then it has been directed by Prof. Dr. Abderrazzak Douhal, Professor byt Physical Chemistry at the University of Castilla La Mancha and is integrated into the INAMOL institute located in the Toledo Technological Campus. The Group is currently composed of three Associate Professors, two postdoctoral students and three doctoral students.

Current research focuses on explaining the spectroscopic and photodynamic properties of hydrogen/metal/covalent bonding organic frameworks (MOF, COF and HOF) and related hybrid materials containing different organic fluorophores and interacting with different molecules.

We also focus on photoinduced energy, charge (electrons) and proton transfer reactions and internal rotation in aromatic molecules, including drugs, in condensed phase and confined within chemical and biological nanocavities and nanochannels, relevant to nanoscience (nanomedicine, nanophotonics and nanocatalysis). But we are also elucidating the electron-hole dynamics in perovskite and QDs-Perovskite hybrid materials, using fs-UV and IR transient absorption techniques and fs-THz time resolution.