Unidad Asociada UCLM-CSIC Neurodeath.

Investigador Principal
Valentín Ceña

La Unidad Asociada UCLM-CSIC «Neurodeath» está ubicada en la Facultad de Medicina de Albacete. Está dirigida por el Prof. Valentín Ceña y, en la actualidad, está integrada por dos científicos senior, dos contratados postdoctorales, dos estudiantes de doctorado, un técnico y un asistente.

The group’s main line of research focuses on the use of nanoparticles and siRNA to reduce the levels of proteins involved in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases and cancer both in vitro and in vivo

Más concretamente, el grupo está interesado en desarrollar nanopartículas que puedan transportar siRNA al interior de células de glioblastoma y cáncer de próstata para potenciar el efecto terapéutico de los medicamentos contra el cáncer.

The group has identified several nanoparticles that are capable of efficiently transporting siRNA into tumor cells and simultaneously reducing the cellular levels of up to three proteins involved in signaling survival and proliferation pathways in both glioblastoma and cancer cells. prostate.

Furthermore, it has been shown that some of these nanoparticles are capable of transporting labeled siRNA to the brain.

These particles do not modify any biochemical parameters in the serum of the animals.